
This is the current edition of free radical notes.
Your editoral input, haikus, exhibition notices, classified ads etc are all welcome. Send us an email if you have some
If you wish to subscribe - it's free - send an email with "subscribe" in the subject field and your details
will be added to the email list
Write a Haiku
The haiku is an ancient Japanese verse form with strict compositional rules. The haiku must be 17 syllables long. It must
consist of three lines. The first line will have 5 syllables, the second line 7 syllables and the third line 5 syllables.
Send us your haiku. If it is about photography and/or funny you stand an excellent chance of heading up an edition of
the free radical notes





apologies for the hieroglyphs which appear instead of punctuation, esp.
apostrophes and quotation marks - its not me - its the technology. And if someone can advise me of a work around I would
be much obliged
see flat coriander # 86 1/4/07
Haiku stuff
Bonsai! yelled the boy.
I don’t like poetry, but
Haiku’s different
Births and deaths stuff
Sad news that Alister Clarke [fr #530] succumbed after a long battle with cancer. Alister ,still in his his early 40’s.
was named one of the world's top photographers by Archive Magazine a few years back and his work has been featured in hundreds
of award-winning print campaigns for the region's top agencies over the last two decades.
New members stuff
A big warm and fuzzy fre radical welcome to our newest members, Dave Good, Lach Roberts, Steve Waters, Carolyn Buckley
and Cameron Herweynen
free radical flickr stuff
Free Radical Flicker Ahoy!
In the spirit of Free Radical I've set up a Flickr site. Flickr is an on line photo sharing site where you can upload
and comment on yours and others photos. As part of this, a dedicated Free Radical group has been created. At the moment you
can post 5 images per week into the pool, the whole idea is to share, enjoy, get inspired and enjoy each others photography,
and you might get some good feedback about it too. Post what ever you like, and equally important check out what others have
put online.
So head to http://www.flickr.com and set up an account, once you have done that, head to http://www.flickr.com/groups/freeradical/
and click on the join this group link, you will have to leave a message letting us know who you are and your free radical
member number. From there you will be added into the group. All good!
any questions, email me <photobat@photobat.net> Alan Moyle AKA Wombat fr#256
As of this month we have 16 who have joined the flickr group, and a few have even posted some images.
So well done to those who have made the effort. Unfortunately I only get time to visit the site on an infrequent basis,
and so every visit involves re learning the access procedure.
editorial stuff
I made it to the ACMP annual general meeting a couple of months back, and there was a passionate plea
from respected Adelaide photographer, and amongst other things, former President of the ACMP, Milton Wordley [fr#106]
for a rationalisation of the various photographic groups within Australia. Not for one minute was Milton suggesting amalgamation,
but rather a grouping of individual Associations under one administrative banner.
Milton’s follow up letter is published below.
Following on from my motion to the 'ACMP' AGM in Melbourne late last year.
The motion called for the ACMP board to hold formal discusions with the AIPP board to explore ways in which the two organisations
can work together in a meaningful way for the betterment of all Australian photographers. Following much discussion, the motion
was passed by everyone at the meeting, except if my memory is right, one person who abstained.
I would like to ask if anything has been discussed - either formally or informally ?
The motion was put as a concerned member of both the AIPP and the ACMP. The various discussions I have been involved in,
and have observed over the past few years (mostly revolving around the future of the ACMP + the start up of the AIPP Commercial)
have been, in my opinion very counterproductive. I appreciate the concerns of many, and know them to be real concerns - however
I feel it is time for the past to be just that, the past, and for us to go forward in the best interests of all Australian
Professional Photographers. The manner in which this is happening is simply confusing the market place. By the market place
I mean our industry in general - photographers, the trade, sponsors, students etc.
When the ACMP was formed as an Incorporated Society I was the President. Over the years I have served on many local and
national committee's of both organizations. The ACMP started with both the financial and moral support of the AIPP. The two
Boards met regularly. I recall a meeting in Canberrra in the early 90's where it was agreed that the two organizations would
run in parallel for 5 to 10 years and see where it took us. After a period of time, open and frank discussions were to be
had to see how it had all gone.
The time for those discussions is now.
My personal view is both organizations have a place in our Industry - however this is not my decision, it's up to the
two boards and the membership.
For both organizations to have a place and to be relevant to all Australian photographers - each needs to be very clear
as to what each is trying to do and achieve. From the research I have done the ACMP is viable, however with it's current resources
it would seem highly unlikely it will be able to do everything it might hope or aim to achieve.
I have listed a group of areas, I as an Australian Professional Photographer might expect from my Industry Body. Have
a look at the list and tick the area's you think the ACMP might do and the areas the AIPP might do - add to list if you like.
It is time for the two bodies to stop overlapping - life's too short and resources too limited.
Back of office secretariat
Domestic Industry policy
Commercial industry policy
Goverment Lobbying
Education Local
Education National
Local Conferences and Seminars
National Conferences and seminars
Promotion of Professional Photography
Legal advice
Honours and Ethics
Web site + industry forum
Communication - magazine
As a worlking photographer based out side Sydney and Melbourne I welcome the AIPP commercial division. The ACMP simply
does not have the resources to serve all of us. However I do believe both organizations should be working together in a much
more harmoniuos way.
I'm sure I'm not alone in my concerns. To that end I have taken the liberty of copying this email into a wide group of
Australian Photographers. If they are interested in putting their views to the boards - I ask them to do so.
Perhaps it's time for us to revisit a proposal canvassed of a few years ago and look to have one Governing Body representing
the Photographic industry, AIPP, ACMP, Pica, the labs, etc etc. With the various sections being divisions acting on behalf
of their members.
In finishing, I read a quote recently regarding out Murray Darling River system, it went something like
Say's it all really
Yours Sincerely
Milton Wordley.
more editorial stuff
JPEG Photo Format on Its Way Out?
Microsoft's new HD Photo format offers higher-quality images half the size of JPEGs, company says.
Jeremy Kirk, IDG News Service Thursday, March 08, 2007 06:00 AM PST
Microsoft Corp. will soon submit a new photo format to an international standards organization that it says offers higher
quality images with better compression, the company said on Thursday.
The format, HD Photo -- recently renamed from Windows Media Photo -- is taking aim at the JPEG format, a 15-year old technology
still widely used in digital cameras and image applications.
Both formats take images and use compression to make the file sizes smaller so more photos can fit on a memory card. During
compression, however, the quality of the photo tends to degrade.
Microsoft said HD Photo's lightweight algorithm causes less damage to photos during compression, with higher-quality images
that are half the size of JPEG.
The format can also accommodate "lossless" and "lossy" compression, two methods of compressing photo
data with different effects on image quality. Microsoft said adjustments can be made to color balance and exposure settings
that won't discard or truncate data that occurs with other bitmap formats.
Although JPEG is aging, it has been modified to help keep it up to date. The latest JPEG 2000 format features better image
quality while also supporting lossless and lossy compression. The original JPEG did only lossy.
Time will tell whether HD Photo can supplant JPEG by gaining the support of printer, camera and application vendors. But
Microsoft is supporting the format in products such as its Vista and XP OSes and has already gained an important vendor ally.
In the next two months, Adobe Systems Inc. and Microsoft will release a plug-ins for CS3 and CS2 versions of its widely
used Photoshop program for Vista, XP and Apple Inc.'s OS X. Also, Microsoft also has built a HD Photo Device Porting Kit so
hardware manufacturers can support it.
Thanks to Raymond Copely[fr#262] who also sent the following.
Just took possession of my contributors copy of Silvershotz magazine. Clive Waring the publisher went to the recent Paris
Photo exhibition held in the Louvre. Here is a quotation from one of the gallery curators for photography."There are
no inkjet prints on display. Only B&W gelatine silver, salt, platinum, carbon, gum bichromate,dye transfer, type C and
Ilfochrome photographs. The galleries being represented indicated that clients have not been impressed with inkjet and are
not willing to part with their money to purchase them. As a result their intrinsic value is low and so too is their resale
There were 88 exhibitors from 21 countries making up the show. Many of the most prestigious galleries fromGermany,Spain,France,Italy,Austria,Belgium,China,SouthKorea,Japan,USA,Britain,Denmark,FinlandIceland,Norway
and Sweden were there so it was a good cross section.
call for action stuff
To: Australian State and Federal Politicians
This is a petition to represent the concerns of all professional and amateur photographers within Australia.
We are concerned by suggestions raised in a Federal Parliament working committee that suggest public places should become
"camera free zones". (Sunday Telegraph 11 March 2007)
The reasoning behind this suggestion relates to the recent incidents involving sneak cameras, in particular mobile phones
and hidden cameras. As serious photographers we take great offence at having our hobby and/or livelihoods placed into disarray
at the actions of a small minority. As a group we fully support any action taken to prevent these "sneak photos"
which are a blatant invasion of a person's privacy. By signing this petition we are requesting the following points be considered
by this or any future working committee or legislative group, within State or Federal Parliament:
1. That the rights of legitimate photographers as members of the community be given precedence over the rights of small
minority groups.
2. That in all future working committees or discussion groups, fair and appropriate representation from photography groups
and clubs be included.
3. That any future legislation, whether offence or machinery sections, clearly indicates that the rights of serious photographers
to photograph in public places, including beaches, are not to be affected by any such legislation.
We urge our elected representatives to take these points into consideration and represent all members of the community,
including photographers.
(note to those signing this petition - please elect to have yourn email address available to the author or public to enable
further updates on this matter. Thank you.)
to sign the petition visit http://www.PetitionOnline.com/ausphoto/
You be the judge stuff
I guess everyone is too busy to look at pictures nowadays, either that or they are intimidated by having to look at pictures
and make a choice as to which is the best, as we have had just 3 votes lodged
to see if we agree with the selection of the 2006 head On Poprtrait prize winners.
They are all up on the HeadOn website http://www.headon.com.au Scroll through the images and make your choice as to which
image you think should have won HeadOn 2006. Be decisive - choose one image only, and send an email to <freeradical@bigpond.com>
with the author name of your pick in the subject line. I don’t need a critique on the whys and wherefores - just
the name of the author - you don’t even have to write anything in the body of the email, although if you would like
to write an editorial piece for a future edition of the notes you are more than welcome to do so.
After we have a considerable number of votes I will tally the results and we will see if free radical consensus
matches that of the 2006 HeadOn judges. As the current tally stands we have no clear winner because each of the three
votes have chosen a different portrait.
other stuff
The Committee for Melbourne is organising a photographic project by homeless people to highlight the issue of homelessness.
They are looking for photographers to volunteer to help mentor the homeless people as they go about documenting their lives.
If you are interested or know someone who might be,
contact Charlie Sublet [fr#251] on 0410 757 202 for more information
workshop stuff.
Kerala Art Gallery is host to many art and photography workshops aimed at people of all levels..
Pinhole photography with Simon Watts [fr# 65]
Make you own pinhole camera and take a photo on world pinhole day
Workshop dates: Sunday April 15 & May 13
For more information regarding the pinhole workshop and other workshops
contact the gallery on 9482 3543.
A whole bunch of workshops - from Cyanotype to Ziatype are on offer as part of the Daylesford Foto Biennale Workshop
Program. Check out what’s available at http://www.daylesfordfotobiennale.org
call for entry stuff
Call for entry for the second William and Winifred Bowness prize at the MGA have gone out The Bowness is a $10.000 non
acquisitive prize for still photo based media including digital and analogue photographic works. Entries close Friday May
25th 2007. More information from http://www.mga.org.au
“Known-Identity Exhibition”
This Years Daylesford Foto Biennale is planning to feature a unique exhibition, “Known-Identity”.
The purpose of the show is to help raise the awareness of the Biennale and also let people know that the DFB is in more
locations than just Daylesford. The show is one of just 20 selected for the DFB'07 Main Program, and will be featured in
the prestigious Main Program catalogue.
Set in the historical and beautiful Clunes Town Hall, this show is to be one of the highlights of the Biennale.
For, “KNOWN”, we will be seeking submissions from photographers of people that are known to a wide
mass of people. Whilst we are looking at The Usual Suspects, actors, musicians, comedians etc, we are also keen to get people
from all walks of life. Send us those portraits of Painters to Politicians, Scientists to Sporting Identities, Colourful people
to Caricaturists.
We are especially after images that have not been widely seen. Most photographers that we know have images tucked away
that were never published, or personal projects. Now is the time to dust off the negs and set them free!
Send me image submissions by email. Approx 25cm X 35cm @ 72dpi adobe RGB and embed your copyright and caption info into
the file via Photoshop File/File Info (ITPC).
Participating Photographers will need to be willing to include a framed print that will become part of a silent auction.
The proceeds from the auction will go towards the running costs of the Biennale, which is a massive logistical and financial
exercise which runs without any govt or arts funding. Photographers are continuously donating works for all manner of worthy
charitable causes. Here is a chance to support an initiative that directly supports and promotes photography.
We suggest that the photographers set a (reasonable) reserve price of cost of printing and framing, which the photographer
will be reimbursed if work sells, so that they are not out of pocket. And if the work doesn't sell they get it back. Final
Framed prints (Specifications to come later) will be required around early May 07.
Send digital files to Andrew at <bigcheez@vicnet.net.au> to be considered for inclusion. And don’t forget
to put your contact details with your email, Cheers Andrew Chapman fr#449 (03] 9752 1492 and David Marks fr#384 (03] 9481
3795 <damphoto@alphalink.com.au>
'Movement After Dark' will be the second photography exhibition for the young and innovative, Melbourne based 'The F2.8
Group', which assists emerging photographers present their work at exhibition level.
The F2.8 Group helps aspiring artists reach their goal of exhibiting their work at a professional standard. The F2.8
Group certainly achieved this goal with their inaugural photographic exhibition 'The Art of Photography', held last August
at the funky, light filled space of Upstairs Flinders. Ten emerging photographers were represented in the 2006 show. The
two week period recorded approximately 300 visitors as well as a packed opening night. The exhibition provides a valuable
platform from which emerging photographers can start to gain recognition and importantly build a profile as a professional
Photographic artists are invited to submit entries for consideration to participate in the August 2007 contemporary photographic
exhibition. This project would be ideal for photographers who have completed their final year of study in 2006, or for emerging
photographers who are trying to get established in the commercial arena. The theme for the 2007 show is 'Movement After Dark'.
Photographers are encouraged to think 'outside the square' and be creative in their interpretation of the theme.
The F2.8 Group applies a hands on approach and can actually organise an exhibition, not just give the photographer or
artist advice on what they should do.”
The F2.8 Group can assist photographers and artists with:
CV writing
Brain storming and idea generation
General admin assistance ie letter writing/correspondence etc
Proof reading
Preparation of marketing materials (flyer, invites, catalogue)
Assistance sourcing suppliers
Gallery applications
Grant applications
Assistance writing press releases
'Movement After Dark' will be held from 17 August to 1 September 2007 at 'Upstairs' Flinders Lane Gallery. For more information
or to down load an application form please visit www.twopointeight.com.au or email info@twopointeight.com.au
exhibition stuff
I can’t list it if I don’t know about it - free radicals are scattered all over the country, so am
happy to list your show be it in Melbourne, Darwin, Hobart or wherever. send the details to <freeradical@bigpond.com>
Include details of opening and closing dates, gallery address, opening hours, and if you like, a brief synopsis of the show.
Send information as text only, preferably pasted into the body of an email and not as an attachment. Sometimes it’s
4 - 6 weeks between editions of the notes, so if you want to be sure of getting a listing, get your details in early.
Condomonium by Jeff Moorfoot [fr#1] is at the Castemaine PO as part of the Castlemaine State Festival. Show current to
April 8th. open 11 - 3 daily and 11 - 5 weekends.
Also showing at Castlemaine - Making Hay, the Julie Millowick Photography Prize at the Old Castlemaine Goal, 56 faces
by Susan Gordon Brown. Blue Gold by Carolyn Lewens and Neil Stanyer plus shows by Julie Millowick, Graeme Dawes, Stephen
Tester, Vivienne Hamilton, Geoff Hocking and more. Info from www.castlemainefestival.com.au
Five photographers, five images each: By Jeff Busby, Pieta Collard, Annet Hammacher, Peter Leiss and Anita Marks at
FAD Gallery, 14 Corrs Lane, Chinatown, Melbourne.
Show current to April 4th
Campaign by Andrew Chapman [fr#449] Photographs from Federal Election Campaigns 1971 - 2004.
Old Parliament House, Canberra February 15th - April 15th 2007 details from http://www.oph.gov.au/exhibitions.asp or www.bigcheez.com.au
Exhibit One by David Johns at David Johns gallery, 15A Railway Place fairfield [enter via Gillites St]
Show current to April 17th. Open Fri& Sat 11 - 6
Fight by Stephen Dupont. Show current to April 29th.
Light on the Landscape by Travis McHarg. Show current to April 29th.
Gardens [1997 - 2007] by Christopher Koller runs April 4th to May 13th
at the Monash Gallery of Art Corner Jells & Ferntree Gully Roads, Wheelers Hill Victoria 3150 Tel: 03 9562 1569 Email:
mga@monash.vic.gov.au Web: www.mga.org.au
Open: Tue-Fri: 10-5pm, Sat-Sun: 12-5pm, Mon & public holidays: closed. Gallery, gift shop, licensed cafe and sculpture
Hall of Mirrors: Anne Zahalka Portraits 1987 - 2007 by Anne Zahalka. Show current to May 12th at the CCP 404 George Street
Fitzroy. Open 11 - 6 Weds to Sat
The Kids are Alright, a unique exhibition of rock’n’roll photography is at the Yering Station Gallery,
38 Melba Hwy Yarra Glen. Show current to April 10th. Hours 10-5 weekdays, 10 - 6 weekends
Über Gallery is currently exhibiting works by four artists at the offices of the Hon. John Thwaites, Deputy Premiere of
Victoria, as part of the Southside Arts Project. The artists participating in the exhibition include: Matthew Bax (mixed
media) Vietta Korren-Steele (painting) YennY fr # 636 (photography)
Vipoo Srivilasa (ceramic sculpture) Guided tours of the exhibition will be provided on the following dates:
Monday 2nd April (only date when Yenny will be present) Tuesday 17th April Wednesday 18th April
Thursday 19th April Tuesday 1st May Wednesday 2nd May Thursday 3rd May Tuesday 22nd May
Wednesday 23rd May Thursday 24th May If you would like to join the tour on Monday 2nd April, please RSVP to <info@ubergallery.com>
by Thursday 29th April. If you would like to join one of the later tours, please RSVP by Friday 6th April. For more information
about the exhibition please don’t hesitate to contact Über Gallery.
classified stuff
Early last year, I ran a classified in FR notes, wanting to move some darkroom gear, which I'd purchased to fit out a
new darkroom that never happened, when I relocated here a couple of years ago. No real interest was shown. I'm well aware
of the street value of darkroom stuff these days, one only needs a quick look
at Flea-Bay. However, I now need to move it on, and not wanting to merely dump it, I thought someone or a group/club
out there still plying the silver halide craft may be able to give it a new home.
There's a brand new PVC darkroom sink, 600 x 1200 x 150, complete with splash-back panels.
Also a glass-doored film drying cabinet, complete with heaps of weighted film clips. I bought it second-hand from Camera
Exchange, but it shows no signs of work and I'm convinced it's never been used.
I'm happy to GIVE THEM AWAY on the proviso that the new owner(s) make what they consider to be an appropriate donation
to the FR ice-cream container.
They're located in Cheltenham (SE Melbourne). I'd obviously give preference to someone that can use both items. Please
call anytime between 7.30 am and 6.30 pm, Mon-Fri.
John Kirby, FR#224. (03) 9584 2331.
for sale Mamiya C 330 S Camera Body,with original leather case, booklet. 80mm F-2.8 Lens
180mm F-4.5 Lens Domke Pro carry bag ( large padded canvas ) $ 750.00 ( cash )
All equipment is in good condition, and has been well looked after. Ph 0419 58 2313 or e-mail. <toneredd@hotmail.com>
( Melbourne area )
I'm looking to share a studio space in the Prahran, St Kilda area. Maybe somewhere that is already set up where I can
have a little desk space. Nic Kocher FR#618 mob 0402319931 <nic@nickocher.com>
end stuff
feeling neglected because of lack of information on events happening in your neck of the woods?
I can’t include it if i don’t know about it!! Any editorial content, exhibition notices, classifieds
etc. to <freeradical@bigpond.com>
Lost your badge and forgotten your number? Check out the members page at http://freeradicaloz.tripod.com and if you
would like a link to your website from our links page, send me the details - obviously we wouldn’t say no to a reciprocal
Too busy to find time to read the notes? not happy with the left leaning Luddite editor?
Simple reply with “unsubscribe” in the subject field and your details will be smitten from the address
book - no questions asked.





free radical notes is the official unofficial organ of the free radicals. It is transmitted electronically to all free
radical members [excepting in cases where members have changed their email address and not informed head office!!]
The opinions expressed are those of the author/s
No, we will not forward any attachments, pdfs etc.one day soon [when I work out how to do it] you will be able to download
back issues of free radical notes from the archive here
* please note, links in body text are not live.
free radicals meet barbara kruger |

© 2006 Luszpinski |

